10 Best Baking Soda Health Beauty Tricks – A Natural Money Saver

10 Best Baking Soda Health Beauty Tricks – A Natural Money Saver

Baking soda. You use it for cooking and for odor absorption, but did you also know it can be used in homemade beauty treatments?

Volumizing Shampoo
Mix about 2 teaspoons of baking soda to your normal amount of shampoo. The baking soda will help the shampoo remove more oil and impurities, helping your hair feel lighter and full of volume.

Cleaning Agent
Your hairbrush gets gummed up with oil and hair product over time. Take a large bowl of warm water and mix in three tablespoons of baking soda. Soak your brush in this and rinse to clean it.

Take a look at these 10 baking soda beauty tricks you can use today.