She Removed Her Brown Spots with THIS Common Ingredient. Amazing!

She Removed Her Brown Spots with THIS Common Ingredient. Amazing!

Dr. Doug Willen, author of Quantum Paleo, has provided a quick and natural solution to age spots. He recommends Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with onion juice. Yep, onion juice! Onions contain several antioxidant compounds that help to neutralize free radicals in the body.

The other ingredient in this concoction, apple cider vinegar, contains alpha hydroxy acids that will remove dead skin and reveal the healthy skin underneath. Many swear by using it on their skin to maintain a natural glow. So here’s how it works:

-Take one fresh onion and dice it.
-Pulverize it using a mortar and pestle.
-Put the liquefied onion into a blender.
-Add in the apple cider vinegar and blend.
-Use a cotton ball to apply the remedy to your age spots.